29 Dec
10 BENEFITS OF VANILLA LEAVES FOR HEALTHY Maybe many of you often hear the name of this one plant. Yes, vanilla leaves are one of the garden products derived from plants of the same name, namely vanilla plants. Vanilla plants are one of the types of vines, which are easy to grow, almost in all climates. In ancient times, vanilla plants themselves had been discovered by Indians who inhabited the area of Mexico, where they found this vanilla plant in an area called Paili or also often known as the name perneli. Characteristics of Vanilla Plants Vanilla plants themselves have small stems, because they have a structure of vines, so they only have small stems, which are only about the size of our fingers. Vanilla leaves have a green and bright color, have a length of about 15 cm with a leaf shape that has a pointed tip. Vanilla plants also have flowers, which are about 4 - 8 cm in size and have a pleasant aroma Vanilla leaves themselves are often used for various purposes, especially for human needs. Scientific classification of vanilla leaves: • Kingdom: Plantae • Division: Magnoliophyta • Class: Liliopsida • Order: Orchidales • Family: Orchidaceae • Genus: Vanilla • Species: planifolia V. To get to know more about the benefits of vanilla leaves and, here are some benefits of vanilla leaves: 1. As a mixture of cakes and food ingredients The first benefit of vanilla leaves is made into vanilla extract and can also be mixed into baking ingredients and cooking ingredients. The function of adding vanilla leaves to cooking and cake baking is as an aroma enhancer and flavor enhancer. In addition, usually vanilla leaves can also be mixed with drinks, such as chocolate, tea and other drinks, which is nothing but its function to strengthen and enrich the taste of the drink. 2. As a room deodorizer, and fragrance on food ingredients Vanilla leaves are one type of leaf that has a distinctive fragrance. Together with flowers and also seeds from vanilla, vanilla leaves are usually processed and extracted specifically to be used as the main ingredient of room deodorizer or car perfume. Usually, some well-known perfume manufacturers also add the aroma of vanilla leaves to their perfume products, which create a fragrance that is unique and very attractive to anyone who kisses it. 3. As aromatherapy Besides being used as a perfume, the scent of vanilla leaves is also often used for aromatherapy. There are already many types of aromatherapy, in the form of spray or spray and also aromatherapy candles that use vanilla leaves to extract the fragrance as one of aromatherapy. 4. Anti inflammation For health, if processed and consumed alone vanilla leaves have health benefits. The first health benefit of vanilla leaves is as one herb that can prevent inflammation, or often known as anti-inflammatory. By consuming this mixture or mixture of vanilla leaves, our bodies can avoid the types of inflammation, such as inflammation of the throat, inflammation of the intestines, inflammation of the stomach, and also other types of inflammation that might attack our bodies. 5. As a natural antioxidant The benefits of vanilla leaves also have a very very important role as one of the natural antioxidants. Antioxidants are compounds that can help ward off free radicals, and provide benefits that are very good for our body. In the presence of these natural antioxidants, our bodies will avoid various diseases. One of them is cancer, and can prevent the appearance of signs of aging, such as decreased cultural elasticity, rough and dull skin and other health benefits. 6. Can relieve stress and depression By using vanilla leaves as one of the ingredients of aromatherapy, the effects and benefits that are easily felt quickly are the effects of relaxation. In addition, by drinking a mixture mixed with vanilla leaves, the relaxation effect will be felt even more. The effect of relaxation caused by vanilla leaves is very good for helping to relieve symptoms of stress, depression and also depressed symptoms in individuals. With the condition of the body becoming more relaxed, the conditions of the nerves become more calm and relaxed, and can prevent the emergence of stress and depression. 7. Reduces nausea, especially for pregnant women The benefits of vanilla leaves are also good for pregnant women. When processed together with vanilla seeds, vanilla leaves can help reduce nausea, especially nausea felt by pregnant women. Usually the nausea that is often experienced by pregnant women is one of the symptoms that we know as the term morning sickness, where nausea and vomiting in pregnant women will appear. By utilizing ingredients from vanilla leaves and vanilla seeds, these symptoms can subside significantly. 8. Improve the nervous system Vanilla leaves also have very important benefits to maintain and also improve our nervous system. This is closely related to the effect of relaxation, where the nervous system and muscles that have felt tense will return to relax, and can make individuals feel calm and comfort. 9. Lose weight Some recent studies also say that vanilla leaves have very good benefits and are also important for losing weight. So, for those of you who are in a special diet program to lose weight, cbalah to make vanilla leaves in one of your list of ingredients mixes to help speed up your weight loss successfully. 10. Improve brain function Another benefit of vanilla leaves which is very good for your body's health is to help improve brain function and cognitive function. That way, vanilla leaves can help you to increase concentration, memory, and also be effective in increasing your intelligence.
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